Neuilly Poissy, Directed by Grégory Boutboul, Supporting
Drifting, Directed by Anthony Caldarella, Lead
Turf, Directed by Fabien Onteniente, Supporting
Avenue Montaigne, Directed by Danielle Thompson, Supporting
Little Klaus, Big World, Directed by Arnaud Collery, Supporting
Olé, Directed by Florence Quentin, Supporting
I think I love her, Directed by Pierre Jolivet, Supporting
Belphegor, Directed by Jean Paul Salomé, Supporting
Children of the century, Directed by Diane Kurys, Supporting
Le schpountz, Directed by Gérard Oury, Supporting
La dilettante, Directed by Pascal Thomas, Supporting
Paparazzi, Directed by Alain Berbérian, Supporting
Le Pari, Directed by Didier Bourdon, Supporting
Palomino and Swissy, Directed by Julien Lasseur, Co star
Distant Vision, Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Co star
Mercury Superstar, Directed by Matt Castellanos, Co star
Oh la la Hollywood speaks French, Directed by Soraya Garré, Guest star
Asteroid vs Earth, Directed by Christopher Ray, Supporting
L’homme à l’envers, Directed by Josée Dayan, Supporting
Seconds from Disaster, A fiction by National Geographic, Lead
Cordier, judge and cop, Directed by Gilles Béhat, Supporting
Deux Frères, Directed by Philippe Laïk, Supporting
A bicyclette, Directed by Merzak Allouache ,Supporting
Soeur porteuse, Directed by Brigitte Coscas, Supporting
The edge at the Brickhouse, Improv Show, Lead
Something wicked this way comes, Directed by Nancy Lantis, Supporting
Twinklers, Directed by Darrin Yalacki, Lead
Feathermore, Directed by Anne Mesa, Lead
The Actress's new face, Directed by Susan C. Hunter, Lead
The Golf Lesson, Directed by Susan C. Hunter, Lead
Edge 2.0 at the Brickhouse, Improv Show, Lead
Flavors of France, Event by Passions productions, Hosting
IO West LA Improv Comedy Fest, Improv show by Beef Palace, Lead
Two Black russians and an olive, directed by David Patch, Supporting
Games on a bombed out beach, Written by Shirl Hendryx, Supporting
Bastille Day Los Angeles, Event by Passions Productions, Hosting
The swallows of Kabul, Directed by Antoinette Sénior, Lead
Miss Margarida's way, Produced by Franck Amiack, Lead
Ils seront là bientôt…, Reading written by M. Bellier, Lead
Re-play, A comedy by ML Mirat, Lead
A lovely sister, Reading of the comedy by ML Mirat, Lead
La maman et la putain, Directed by Joshua Buswell, Lead
Caramel et Chocolat, Produced by Lison Lemoigne, Lead
One Man Show, Directed and written by Franck Amiack, Lead
Casimir, the zebra, A show by L. Lemoigne et F. Amiack, Lead
L’imprécation..., Directed by Arlette Allain, Lead
Le père Noël est une ordure, Directed by Franck Amiack, Lead
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Directed by «Troupe de l'ECL », Lead
Faisons un rêve, Directed by Franck Amiack, Supporting
Le sacrifice du bourreau, Directed by Samuel Ritz, Lead
Da ring da niebelung, Directed by Daniel Mesguish, Supporting
Manque de Chance, Directed by Jean Charpentier, Lead
Frigidaire, Onac Pictures, Lead
Mir Supra, Henkel commercial, Lead
UMA, A commercial by HP Korchia, Supporting
Boom Beach, Supercell, Lead
Drug stories, S Bouquet, Lead
All In, Directed by Daniel Farias, Lead
Switch, Directed by Saad Aldeeb, Lead
The ringer, Directed by Advait Dewasthalee, Lead
This isn't Clara, Directed by Shreya Jha, Lead
Soup, Directed by Joe Grode, Lead
What if we could stay, Directed by Stephen Steelman, Supporting
Olly, Directed by Anthony Caldarella, Lead
Standing, Holding, Directed by Matthew Wilder, Supporting
Egg, Directed by Chateau Bezerra, Lead
The next Cassavetes, Directed by Stefan Lysenko, Supporting
Yes I Cannes, Directed by Franck Amiack, Lead
Red, Directed by Adam Makary, Lead
Plea, Directed by Greg Abbott, Lead
Pizza me mafia, Directed by Gui Pereira, Supporting
Reversed, Directed by Franck Amiack, Lead
Nuts, Directed by Stéphane Bouquet, Lead
Canto, Directed by M. Fréoa and F. Amiack, Lead
Zappeurs, Directed by Stéphane Bouquet, Supporting
1999, Directed by Stéphane Bouquet, Lead
Hors Jeu, Directed by Stéphane Bouquet, Lead
Morning, Directed by Franck Amiack, Lead
Jean Crédétone, Directed by Franck Amiack, Lead
The dumb waiter, Directed by ETTIC, Lead
Miam Miam, Directed by ETTIC, Lead
Saint Denis Street, Directed by ETTIC, Lead
Leads roles in Feature films : The theory of Everything, Expendables 3, Ted 2, One Chance, The Dressmaker, Me Earl and the dying girl, Locke, Last witch Hunter, Words and Pictures, Particle Fever, Black sea, Kicking and Screaming, All over the guy , A Kid in King Arthur's court, Man Up, Misconduct, Sing Street, The whole truth, Jasper Jones, Last flag flying.
Lead roles in Animation movies : Muppets most wanted, Khumba, Zarafa, Shushybye, Hell and back.
Supporting roles in Feature films: 99 homes, American Hustle, Boyhood, Pawn Sacrifice, Jobs, Begin Again, Extraction, And so it goes, Love Rosie, Rob the Mob, Une liberation, Race, Rebel in the rye, Wind river, Small town crime, Hostiles, True Crimes.
TV shows : Noober, Jamie at home
Actors Studio, Los Angeles ( Sensory, Script analysis, Speech )
Write Act Repertory, Hollywood ( Improv Class )
The Unit at the Promenade Playhouse, Santa Monica ( Scene work )
Sensory Workshop, Los Angeles ( Cathy Leslie )
Speech Class, Los Angeles ( Jon Sperry )
Conservatory of Drama, Nice
School of Comedy, Saint Etienne
Cours Florent, Paris
French (mother tongue)